Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 59: Uncomfortable Conversations

A night on the town after Hawaiian Lab Coat Friday.

"Aww.. I would have stayed in my work clothes
if I'd known you weren't changing."

Some shuffleboard. Too bad The Riverview Saloon is completely dead. Everyone must be at The Grind tonight.

Paz and Chad sneak over to The Grind, only to find Alison Newbie there.

Chad makes himself scarce, but Paz refuses to run from a confrontation.

"You stole my boyfriend!"

"That would imply that he's my boyfriend now," Paz corrects.

"Well isn't he? Aren't you going steady now?"

"Uh... oh right. Yes. But that was long after he broke up with you! Isn't he allowed to move on?"

"It was long after you TOLD him to break up with me!"

"Is that how he phrased it?"

"No, but I know that's what happened. Don't play stupid, you big-eared freak!"

Ouch. It's true, Paz has the Grisby ears under all that hair.

"Alison, you were bratty and petty. You had nothing in common, and Chad was only staying with you because he didn't realize he had a choice. You should thank me for getting you out of a loveless relationship. I see your new one is going fine!"

Alsion looks down at her growing belly. "Don't... you... even TALK about my baby or my marriage!"

Intermission: Zephram's paintings resemble scratch art.

Paprika is concerned.

"Son... are you absolutely sure you aren't on drugs?"

Alison moves on to insulting Paz's family. Vampires and their sense of entitlement, blah blah.

"Don't think we don't know why a vampire works at a hospital."

This can only end one way. A bar brawl, which Sacha the cowardly vampire flees from.

Alison wins the brawl.

Once the adrenaline is gone, all that's left is the embarrassment. Several family friends were standing around gaping in awe.

"I'm not sure that's how I would have handled that," Nakisha comments.

Paz finds Chad at home. Her home.

"Holly has his father's ears. I've traced them all the way 
back to a woman named Laurel Grisby. Fascinating, no?"

Paz is a woman who can make fireplaces fireproof and train sprinklers to sense the sunrise. Chad is a man who wears a fantastic lab coat. After some careful thought, they realize it's only logical that they choose to carry on their eccentric genius genetics.

In the following days, Paz satisfies every craving she has...

...and watches Kidz Zone TV, turning her body into just another experiment. The lab has an untested new fertility treatment, and Paz and Chad are hoping for twins. One for Chad to raise, and one for Paz to raise.

Holly points and laughs as his aunt vomits.

Zephram doesn't realize he's insane, and does his best to be a good citizen. He donates to worthy charities, such as Geese Unlimited.

Holly's birthday is celebrated in the early morning hours.

He still looks much like Dalma, though may be developing his father's nose.

Paz is pregnant, as she suspected. Holly has many questions.

Chad is ecstatic. But then, that's his reaction to almost anything.

Chad does calm down for a moment to discuss making the nursery radiation-proof.

Little Holly is a genius. Paz hopes she can somehow influence her unborn children to be geniuses.

Holly is also a heavy sleeper. Show him a comfy spot, and he will nap on it until cats get jealous.

Most importantly, Holly is old enough for complex doll soap operas.

 Drama painting.

Zephram attends one of Dalma's parties. Concerned, Chad approaches before Dalma notices.

"Are you sure you should be here, buddy?"

"I'm here because.. because... Nessie.."

Chad blinks. "Who?"

Zephram suddenly realizes where he is.

Dalma shows up before Zephram can escape.

"Z? Is it really you? Is... everything... um... how's Holly?"

"Holly is... fine. He wonders about his mother."

"What have you told him?"

"I haven't. I miss you."

"Z... don't pursue this. I'm married. My career is strong. I'm happy. I have... a lovely infant son, with my husband."

"I'm not pursuing anything."

"Then why are you here?!"

"I don't know!"

After the exchange of stern looks, Zephram goes home.

It's triplets. Nol, Hawk, and Kimberly. Hawk is the only boy.

Paz helps Holly with homework. Holly asks about his mother.

"No one ever talks about her. And I can't ask Dad, because sometimes he lies."

"Your father doesn't mean to lie. He loves you. He just gets confused."

"He told me he rescued me from one of the paintings of the people with glowing eyes. And then he told me my mother was a teleporting gnome that got lost."

"Your mother wasn't a gnome, Holly."

"Is she dead?"

"It's not something we're ready to talk about."

"You don't want to hurt me. But someday you're going to have to, and what if I'm even more hurt then? Because I try to imagine what she'd be like. All the time. And I bet she's not like that, really. I bet... she just abandoned me."

"Your mother thought your father would make her look bad," Paz says finally. "She was a fool. She was nothing like you. And when you came along, she wasn't ready to be a single parent. She got scared, and she left."

"Why doesn't she even write?"

"Because she knows you're fine without her, Holly."

Chad only has one word to say: "Triplets?"

Paz shifts uncomfortably, lowering her head. "I guess you're here to help decide which one you get to raise."

"I sincerely wish that were the case," Chad murmurs.

"You... what?"

"The house that burned to the ground on Lost Willow Road was my brother's," Chad explains. He looks more miserable than Paz has ever seen a person. "He didn't make it. But his children were in school at the time. They're fine. My parents are elderly; they..."

They can't take in Chad's niece and nephew. Paz knows they were already in the process of allowing Chad to adopt his younger toddler brother.

"I'm so sorry." She hopes he doesn't cry. He looks like he's going to cry. "You don't have to say it. You're about to have three kids of your own and you barely have room for the two you were planning for."

"I still want to be a part of their lives," Chad chokes out.

"I know. I know. You want to teach them about tweaking aquatic ecosystems and tending carnivorous plants. You're always welcome here."

They hug, then. Awkwardly, but warmly.
Etc.: I saved up enough points to give Paz fertility treatment. I also made her listen to kids' music and TV, and read pregnancy books. Chad also had a hideous twin brother, whom I destroyed for my evil plotline purposes. I'm not sure if all of these factors contributed in the birth of triplets or not; I just go by the rumors.

I've never had multiples of different sexes before, so two girls and a boy was quite a surprise.

Nol was born first, so she is the heir. Her name is in reference to a Phantasy Star Online character named Nol Rinale. Nol Rinale is a newman female journalist. In episode 1 she's a HUnewearl you sneak onto the surface of Ragol, and in episode 2 she's a custom design with a neat jacket (though still obviously a HUnewearl) who... sometimes says some stuff behind the science counter... thing.

1 + 3 = 4 children, so that requirement is complete. All that's left is for Paz to punch someone every week.


  1. Great update! Wow, triplets, that should be fun.
    The paintings of neurotics are truly bizarre.

  2. When my first generation had twins, they were very hard to take care of. Hopefully things will be much easier now that I'm later in the legacy and have three adults around.

    I'm getting pretty good at determining which paintings Zephram's paintings are a different version of. Sometimes it's really obvious (like the two people), but sometimes I have to really stare at the color placement for a while.

    I guess I never had a neurotic painter before. I assumed those were the products of his insane trait. Good to know! =D

  3. Yeah, Violet's paintings all look like that. I have one she did of the 'Birth of Venus' painting. I call it Electric Venus, lol.
    The insane trait will make them paint red versions of paintings. Cameron used to make painting that were entirely in shades of red.
    I've never had triplets, just twins. I'm looking forward to seeing how Paz handles it. :D

    LOL, I half had it in mind that I was going to name my next male child Hawke, after the new DA2 character. I played DA2 for hours last night, it's incredibly gorgeous. I keep pausing to take screenshots. Environments are just that amazing. LOL, here's hoping I can keep up with my Sims legacy.

  4. LOL, sorry for stealing your name. I named Hawk after the bird.

    Red is the evil trait, I'm pretty sure. One of my boyfriend's characters (Dax's mom, played in another game) was evil and she would constantly paint red ducks and that house with snow. So creepy. x.x

    Though I'll let you know if Zephram churns out a red painting, lol.

    I think genius does the hexagons, computer whiz does the pixel art and... the blurry versions may just be what a high level painter can do? Not sure.

  5. Ah, yeah, red for evil makes sense. I've never had any other insane artists besides Cameron. She was also a genius and would do the hexagon paintings too. I think the blurry ones are from the artistic trait, but I'm not 100% on that. I know Violet churned out those as well as the neon scratch art paintings. She was both Artistic & high skill.
