Friday, June 10, 2011

Chapter 85: The Love of Xing Lo

Fischer enters the room dramatically, prepared to paint.

And don't mess with Ashby.

Yasu and Khan carry on with their usual routine, copying off of each other's homework and hanging out in the new park. Khan obsesses over weather forecasts, seeking shelter at the slightest hint of a sunny day, and Yasu begins to wonder if he's losing hope in finding a cure for his vampirism.

When Khan suddenly excuses himself and runs away, Yasu sighs, assuming she'll be alone for the rest of the afternoon, and settles down to play chess against herself.

Khan returns with a nervous smile on his face.

"I'm back..." he says.

The moment Yasu turns around, she decides she wants to marry him.

"I always hoped you'd grow up into a handsome guy," Yasu says, smiling awkwardly at her feet. "You certainly don't disappoint."

"You'll make me blush."

Yasu grabs her friend and kisses him, then stands back.

"Well?" She folds her arms behind her back. "Are you going to return my affection? Or will we remain BFFs? Because either way... you just can't get rid of me, Khan."

It was a little fast and forward, but on the other hand there's no one Khan feels more comfortable with.

Once again, Fischer's daughter is out past curfew. HOURS past curfew.

He checks the treehouse, but she's not there!

"I don't want to get you in trouble for being out past curfew," Khan murmurs, as his girlfriend stargazes.

"My Dad owns half the city, Khan."

"But he doesn't own the police. This isn't RoboCop."

"Dick, you're FIRED!"

"Seriously, though..."

"I know you don't want to go home." Yasu looks at him sadly. "I know there are problems, even though you're not saying anything. And since turning into a teen you're glowing-"

"You noticed that?"

"You're GLOWING all the time. Anyway... you know the city doesn't make vampires follow a curfew. Usually."

"It's my mother," Khan admits. "My father has custody... but... she hates to lose."

"Does she still want you to turn me?"

"I'm never going to do that."

Fischer quizzes Xue on where her sister is.

"Probably playing with that Kirk Khan kid. They're usually hanging out on the swing set, talking about science, pretending they're better than everyone else."

Eventually the date must end. There's school tomorrow.

Some old guy glares as Yasu zooms home on her motorcycle. What is it, one in the morning?

In his day, this was unheard of! 

Yasu hugs her father when she returns home.

"I know," she speaks before he can. "I'm going to kill you of fright one day. But I didn't realize it was Khan's birthday, and, we sort of went on a date... we stayed in the park by the way! Stargazing. I'm fine."

"Call when you're going to do that. I don't know why I'm not grounding you right now, but trust me next time I will..."

"Thanks Dad."

"I was literally on my way out the door to call the police, Yasu."

"In your robe and pajamas."


Xue wakes up early in the morning and makes her bed. Her mind is on her uncompleted homework. As usual, she bumps into the light behind her while clumsily crawling to the floor.

"I need a bigger room," she announces.

Yasu rolls over. "Meh. I hate the world."

"What happened?"


"Tough! Get up and help me with my homework."

Rex has managed to grow a coin tree. Not what he wanted.

"Blast it! Chemtrails! Counterfeiters! This was the wrong seed!"

Maybe this one is the one he searched so hard to find. He won't be sure until the plant flowers, but if his research is correct... well... he'll just have to see if the rumors are true, the old fashioned way.

Just like that time he used himself as a guinea pig to test super tomatoes the town was raving about.

Buses are lame. Yasu is never riding a bus again. Not in this era of total fuel efficiency, anyway.

Now a teenager herself, Shu Fang greets her childhood friend Rhett Lin.

Like a puppy, Rhett leaps to his feet and gives Shu Fang a huge hug. Though unintentional, his strength almost knocks her over; unlike Khan, Rhett is well over half vampire. His ancestry includes vampires Kacey Cantina, Roxie Lin, Yuri Ivanov, and of course Sifton's mysterious Chinese mother.

"You're so beautiful," Rhett says. "Can I say that? I don't mean to sound too... um..."

"Say what you mean, Rhett," Shu Fang laughs. "You don't have to guard yourself around me. Especially not when you're saying things I... err... like to hear."

The teens can't take their eyes off each other; Janet can see that. Honestly she hoped this would happen. She didn't want to wait around forever to be a grandmother, and suitable brides for her son in this town are in short supply. Her decision to introduce the kids in the first place was a good one, she thinks.

Bonus pic of Janet's chunky brother Stacey. And there's their mother, Sifton, going out the door. Hi Sifton.

Outside, Ashby spars with Arthur.

This isn't an unusual exercise for them. What's strange is Ashby wins today.

"You're distracted," Ashby states. Not a question, though she does want an answer.

"I am in mourning," Arthur says. "My brother, Pavel... has passed away."

"Oh, no..."

"With all of my medical knowledge, there was nothing I could do." Arthur chokes a bit. "But, he lived a long time."

He doesn't understand why he had to outlive both of his younger siblings, however. It feels terribly unfair.

"My own time is short. I would like to rest with my mother and father, if possible, when it's over."

Ashby stares for a moment at Arthur's orange eyes. He's not really looking at her. But they're like a pair of bombs going off. Yet the orange seems to be fading away, dulling slowly with age. "O-of course," she manages to say. "You're part of our family."

"Pavel would prefer to rest alone in peace," he says quietly, anticipating Ashby's next question. Still a psychic, since the initial onset of adulthood.

Xue is given her own bedroom downstairs.

Fischer offers to help re-do his grandparents' room (Pablo & Nol's) and Zephram's room (currently functioning as another painting room) to suit Yasu and Shu Fang's tastes, but Xue's sisters are content with their shared childhood room. They tend not to bother each other.

Fischer isn't sure if he should be proud or confused.

Bonus pic of the nursery and all its paper lanterns.

Iago's wife Joy goes into labor just before school.

Yasu makes sure this gets on YouTube.

After school and Shop Club, Yasu heads home to tinker. She's already tweaked some of her distant uncle Zephram's toy designs and is selling them to local stores for a small profit.

Instead of after school activities or hobbies at home, Shu Fang has Rhett. A bookworm, she pretends he needs help on all of his English assignments.

Her romance is going smoothly, though at times the fangs scare her.

Rhett would never intend to scare her; he simply forgets to smile with his mouth closed.

Shu Fang sings a Chinese song, "The Love of Xing Lo," for Rhett.

"Beautiful," he sighs. His great-grandfather Arthur knew the same song, taught to him in China by a very attractive, and very dangerous fellow vampire.

"You will let me turn you, won't you?" Rhett asks. Pleads. Begs.

Shu Fang pulls away slightly. "Is this a commitment from you?"

"Of course. I want you to stay with me... not grow old and die within a tiny fraction of my lifespan."

"That's a lot to ask of me, Rhett."

"Why? You get so many advantages, being one of us!"

"I also lose something. I've researched this. Everyone who is turned feels like a part of them has died."

Rhett won't meet her eyes. "I was born this way. Does this mean you think there's something incomplete about me?"

"Try to understand. I do love you." She hears the words for the first time, and decides to repeat them. "I really do love you. Very much."

"I'm sorry," Rhett mumbles. "I'm sorry to put a burden on you. I'll try to understand."

"Please don't look so sad," Shu Fang says softly.

"I'm not." Rhett says defensively, automatically. He doesn't realize how sad he does look.

Shu Fang pulls him close to her again and kisses him with an invasive passion. She licks his teeth, tastes them, comfortable in the fact that he's from a family of plasma fruit vegans. And currently, he still eats "normal" food.

Xue would be jealous and Yasu would cheer her on. Fischer would be shocked.

Rhett rubs noses with Shu Fang when she's finished, but doesn't say anything. Shu Fang goes home before curfew.

 Oppositely, when the sun sets and curfew draws near, Yasu and Kirk Khan go on a romantic date to the consignment shop. They break in with alarming ease, but aren't here to vandalize.

It's simply better than the junk yard!

Yasu searches for spare parts and will buy them properly tomorrow morning, should she find any worthwhile. While looking, she and Khan have animated discussions about scientific theory. Though Yasu prefers physics, she knows enough about a wide variety of subjects to keep Khan interested. Truly a feat; Khan reads and memorizes at incredible speeds. No non-supernatural should be able to keep up with him like Yasu does.

They go outside to watch the stars together. Khan's eyes seem much brighter than any star, though Yasu knows very well how wrong appearances can be.

"You haven't darkened up at all since you became a teenager," she reminds him.

"I know," he says, and leaves it at that.

"Andromeda," he points out. "Pisces, and Phoenix."

Yasu laughs. "I can't see where you're pointing exactly. But I know the stories behind all of those."

No matter how enjoyable, all dates seem to end the same way. 

When Yasu pulls Khan close for a kiss he stops her, staring a bit unsteadily.

"Maybe we shouldn't," he says.

"Why?" She's no good at hiding the hurt in her tone.

"I haven't eaten anything in... a whole day.."

Yasu's eyes widen. "Are you...?"

"Craving blood. Getting sick, if I eat normal food." He nods. "As well as the sun sensitively. This is all wrong. I'm too young."

"We'll get you through this. We'll cure you. Just.. trust yourself, tonight."

Yasu gets her kiss. Khan is cautious and gentle; Yasu wonders if all young men are the same with their first girlfriends, or if she's somehow, almost undeservingly lucked out.

Fischer stays up late, waiting forYasu to get home. All of his romances are online.

By the time she's home, Fischer is in different clothes. He changes several times a day.

"Out past curfew again," he says sadly.

"I told you where I was," Yasu says defensively.

"Go sleep. You have school in the morning."

Rushed morning homework is easier with a genius sibling, but the whole thing makes Xue feel inferior.

 Fischer meets Luke in the park. Luke has just published a rather praiseworthy new book.

Everyone in the background is an Archer. Felicia Archer, Javier Archer, and Donovan Archer-Rinsler.

And Luke got married. And Kipp is seeing half the town. Fischer will probably die unmarried.

Fischer's expression seems to say whatever, I own this park and everyone in it.

Luke and Rex reconcile. Rex is sorry he was so unsupportive, and finds Luke's artistic work thought-provoking and gripping. Fischer's terrifying childrens' novel series, however... Rex could do without that.

Luke happily leaps into to father's arms for a hug. All is forgiven. But he's not moving back to the mansion with his wife, because there are still gnomes, thank you very much.

Fischer and Javier play hopscotch.

Trees! How do they work?!

Prom is coming up, and Xue has been aching to ask out Spencer Archer. She pours on the charm and heaps on the compliments, and in no time the quiet boy has fallen in over his head, infatuated with her.

She's not genetically related to him, so nothing is wrong here. Except for the fact that he ages up before she can ask him. Drat.

Meaning she leaves him be, no longer interested in their would-be relationship.

Shu Fang and Yasu have a much easier time. They'll attend prom with their boyfriends.

Fischer spends a lot of time cleaning house to calm his nerves.

It doesn't bother him that his kids don't make their own beds.

Arthur dies, and is laid to rest near his parents, Sacha and Jazz. Also nearby are the graves of Leona and Fiona, and Martin and Melody. Ashby isn't sure what the doctor would want on his grave - probably nothing - but sets out a vase of Dogwood anyway.

Ashby also sees her cousin Lorenzo buried near Hawk and Alice.

Khan and Rhett conspire, arranging for a limo to pick up their prom dates.

The two boys rarely speak to each other, as they view their supernatural nature from two very different perspectives.

Kirk Khan makes a fool of himself in the prom photos.

Rhett and Shu Fang make for a slightly better picture.

Poor Xue was dateless, but managed to make Nathaniel Medina a romantic interest while she was there.

Painting in swimwear. All the eccentric rich boys do it.

Xue wanted to play the cello, but settled for this.

Rex is asleep when death claims him.

"You won't need the cane," Grim booms.

??? !!! ...

"I think I'll ask Nathan out on a date," Xue says over breakfast. "Wanna make it a double date?"

"I can't even think about dating at a time like this!" Shu Fang sobs. The family woke up to find Rex dead.

This gives Xue pause. Her grandfather spent a lot of time with her and meant a lot to her. He also wouldn't have wanted her to waste her time falling to pieces over his inevitable demise, but part of Xue has to wonder if people see her as a cold bitch, or at the very least one who mourns incorrectly.

Rex is buried on the edge of the property near "Zephram's wall." Ashby set his cane and a firecracker on the grave.

"He was my firecracker, or something." The old woman sniffed and shuffled back inside, refusing to look at the grave again. She'd likely soon be joining Rex.

A bad morning, overall.

Shu Fang runs out of the art studio at the sound of the explosion.

"What did you DO?!"

"Never mind that!" Yasu yelps. "Just fetch Grandma!"

After averting the fire crisis, Ashby hears strange noises coming from the time machine.

It's a decorative piece, as far as she knows, so she opens the door only to see...

...Well needless to say she quickly shuts the door.

But not before this gnome escapes.

Caveman Gnome does not like the look of French Gnome, nor does he like this gnome aging idea.

After the time machine incident, Ashby decides she's gone mad and needs a vacation. Fischer takes his mother on a trip to scenic Europe, leaving his daughters to guard the mansion. They're old enough.

"Well, let's have a party," Yasu suggests, fresh out of the hot tub.

Xue raises an eyebrow. "You can't be serious."

"I'm totally serious. Are we going to get this chance again? No. We're not."

"You can party when you own this house." Xue folds her arms sulkily.

"Not if neurotic dad is around, even as an old man. Come on, sis. There will be boooyyysss..."

"Oh, fine!" Xu gives in. Then both girls look between them, at Shu Fang.

"I don't know why you're out to spite our father, Yasu," Shu Fang says finally.

The party commences. Present are.... Leon Finches, Sheena Doe, and Juliet Ivanov.

Juliet is Lorenzo's granddaughter, and also Andre's granddaughter. Thus, the great-granddaughter of both Hawk and Holly. She has the orange Archer eyes, Jazz's hair, and the eye shape passed down through the Sunder lines, of which Holly's husband Rudy was a part of (as well as Dax and Pablo). She has the Ivanov name from Kerrie Ivanov, the younger half-sister of Sacha and mother of Lorenzo's illegitimate children.

Juliet is evil, but no one seems to notice.

(She also has a promising future career as Ronald McDonald.)

Leon is one of Tristan's relatives.

Rhett shows up and makes out with Shu Fang, his pale legs unashamedly exposed.

Yasu complains about politics to Sheena, who doesn't seem to care about the future of schools or pension plans or roads or wages or the freedom of the Internet.

Nathaniel Medina finally shows up, Xue notices.

Hamburgers. Juliet's favorite food (for now). Rhett also seems to love them. Sad, I know.

Leon is absorbed in a book, not interested in teen drama.

"That's a good one," Shu Fang chimes in. "I love that series."

Sheena felt the party was mediocre so far, but the bubbles make it all worth it.

Rhett is about to hop into the hot tub and cuddle with Shu Fang when this cop shows up to yell and fuss.

"We're not doing anything bad," Yasu insists, trying not to let his yelling make her angry. "I just have some friends over."

"I don't care! This is obviously a party after curfew, and I see your parents ain't here." He notices Alice's wandering ghost and backsteps fearfully. "You... you get this place cleaned up or else!"

The cop shoos most of the teens, ending the party and threatening to tell their parents. When tests find no nectar on their breath, he lets them go.

Hiding in the kitchen, Xue tries to get her first kiss, but is rejected.

Etc.: I don't know if it's the rebellious trait at work or not, but the psychic police have not been a problem lately.

Teen party was a disappointment. I didn't notice anything special happen. Though it may have been glitched up. Fischer and Ashby went away on their vacation (you get an opportunity for that), but my mods (not updated for Generations) poofed them back. Then I experienced a glitch with Fischer being old, blah blah, I fixed that and all is well. But for some reason Yasu still had the option to throw a teen party, and she did. Later on I got a message about the cops being pissed. The cop showed up, shouted at Yasu, had a negative reaction to Alice (who wasn't bothering anyone, lol) and left. And I got a message that the parents were coming back early, oh noes, and I had an hour to clean up! All the teens left, saying it had been a great party.
Ashby was ACTUALLY downstairs sculpting the whole time, and Fischer was doing other things. Neither of them got upset in the slightest. So... glitch, or just lame programming? More testing on my part is required!

Since I updated my mods since then, I can try the teen party again sometime when the adults really are gone.

Fischer has maxed painting, and writing will surely follow. I believe he's level 6 in writing. He'll have attained his lifetime wish when that's done. I'm starting to wish there were more lifetime wishes. I didn't want to go with cooking or culinary related LTW's for Fischer because I knew that wasn't going to be the driving part of his character, but the writing seems out of the blue. So far I've had him write four satirical-sounding childrens' books.

Fischer taught Yasu to drive, but she didn't have to learn to drive to use the motorcycle. Interesting, eh?

And that teddy! Domingo. His lower half is missing now. I put him in Yasu's inventory to wait for new children to enter the house to play with him. Maybe the playing animation will restore his legs.

A picture that got cut was evil Juliet trying to hook up with poor bookish Leon.

The prom was a rabbithole, but still cool. I loved the pictures, and the triple-load of message about what was happening. Xue went dateless but came home with a romantic interest, having impressed a random unattached teen boy with her dancing. Not sure what Nathaniel's problem was with first kiss, though. Xue is flirty and their relationship bar was up almost all the way.

Luke married a vampire, but it didn't make it into the story aside from a mention that he got married. She's distantly related to him, but only through Lorraine Cantina's daughter Kacey. Kacey's half-brother Dante was Pablo's father, and so Luke's great-grandfather. Kacey is Luke's wife's great-grandmother. I think they're expecting a kid; I dunno. The game named Iago's son Chadd.

Sifton married a vampire named Jose, a long time ago. He looks basically like Stacey. Jose is the son of Bernice Grisby and the mortal descendant of Sherman Bagley and Ruby Broke. I constantly get SP messages about how happy Sifton and Jose are in their marriage. It just never quite made it into the story. I depicted Sifton's son and daughter as happy, mildly well-adjusted people. For the most part. Stacey can't seem to keep a girlfriend (lol), but has produced one son who is still a kid. Janet married a vampire named Torrance Lin, son of one of the Lin vampires and Jasmine, Holly's daughter. Janet and Torrance have Rhett and a toddler son named Dave.

The first picture of Fischer painting was a variation of the "telekinetic parent teaching kid to walk" glitch. He stood right there and painted, though the easel was far across the room.


  1. Noooooo Arthur! D :

    I cannot tell a lie. When Kirk showed up as a teen I literally went "Oh hello~". I don't blame Yasu for wanting to jump him- I mean marry him. I said marry. Totally.

    I'm happy Shu Fang found someone, and I hope things work out for Xue. I feel sorry for her, but I really like her (Cold bitches are my favourite characters).

    But back to the serious stuff. WHY ARTHUR, WHY? T_T Goanna go cry myself to sleep now. Thanks for that.

  2. Pavel, my Pavel. I am so sad. :'(
    Well, lol, I at least have him in my CAS to look at.

    Great update, Yasu and Khan are a great couple.
    Also, Shu Fang's teeth licking scene was awesome. I love that kind of detail.

  3. I love your story!! Such rich and diverse characters and culture. =)

    I also love all the little extra pics you put in there, Yasu on her motorcycle and the gnomes are my favorite in this chapter.

  4. The bear that still has his legs looks like he's smirking about burying his friend in the sandbox :D
