Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chapter 38: Ouch

Melody offers a quick joke to brighten her husband's morning before he scurries off to work.

Now Martin is doing house calls and often too lazy to hunt for customers at the salon itself, Barney's has hired Stanley Broke (son of Kenji and father or Rickie, I just remembered) as the store stylist. Stanley's taste is questionable but his makeovers are cheap.

A haircut and a new jacket, you say?

Oops. Martin used his cursed scissors, making this man's hair longer instead of shorter.

Bridgette Grisby, Rosanna and Kendell's daughter, would like attire that will speak volumes of rebelliousness to other teens but leave her parents safely in the dark.


Ceila Holloway would rather Martin not cut her hair, after he made her wear a dress in chapter 36, but once again her mother has forced a stylist appointment.

Jazz's ghost is one with the Force.

Sometimes Melody has dreams about having a real job. She calls them nightmares.

The Riverview Saloon opens. It was once just a sad, neglected juice bar, but the owners have added instruments for live entertainment so it's been upgraded to dive bar. Melody, Cody, one of Patricia's sons and some anorexic girl are the first on the scene to check it out.

Melody practices guitar late into the night, but the Saloon is such a boring place most people don't stick around long enough to give tips.

"Josephine told me to join your band. Just so you know, I only do night practices."

One more person, and they can sign themselves up for gigs. With Josephine on drums, Melody as lead guitar and Pavel's awesome bass skills, they only need a good pianist...

Go away, Arthur.

The next morning, Martin goes to a house and a baby crawls out, its parents nowhere to be found. Bad day.

What is this? A Mormon compound?

Some toddler pictures.



Paprika grows older. Sacha visits and is pleased to see her granddaughter's continued interest in educational toys.

Martin's promotion to stylist level 9.

When you're forced to look like Michael Jackson, take it like a man and dance.

Martin teaches Paprika how to be a chess pro.

"Putting my hand on my nose is really the secret, Dad?"

Meet The Westfield Band's pianist, Nigel.

"You have an earring and a mohawk! Join my band!"

Only Pavel shows up for practice.

Melody lets him know she's not upset that the band's progress as a team is so minimal; she's come to terms with the fact that this is only a hobby for her, she'll never be famous, and she's just grateful for the company. If even one person shows up to jam with her for a night, she's counting it as a win.

But. Several badgering phone calls later...

Yes, that's still Nigel. He called Martin almost immediately after joining the band, in need of the magic comb and a band-worthy shirt.

Paprika creeps downstairs to enjoy the chaos.

The next day, Melody is again playing without her bandmates in the park.

Rickie brings her rather under-dressed toddler son, Tobin, and teaches him to walk.

Melody's sister Bernice stands there creepily while Rickie's older daughter Nakisha tosses Melody a substantial tip. Nakisha enjoys living in the biggest eyesore in town (the Remington place) and showing off her family's money. The blond kid is unrelated.

Encouraged by her grandmother, Paprika fills every counter space with cakes, pies, muffins, cookies, cupcakes and brownies.

Unlike Sacha, Paprika grows bored of the toy oven after mastering its use. Though eating the cake is still fun.

"Layers! Layers of chocolate! OMG!"

Sacha adjusts to her new home.

"Are these pirated?"

"What? No!"

"Okay yes. But they're for educational purposes."

Paprika wants to see a ghost, so naturally she visits a graveyard. But there are no ghosts... only Drumheller, looking grieved or terrified.

Paprika tries her new chess skills on Drumheller because he looks like a dumb jock. However, he defeats her soundly.

"Blah blah music blah blah tattoos. I'm getting a new one tomorrow."

"You don't have to get tattoos every week you know. It doesn't 
turn me on or anything. In fact it makes me worry for your health."

Rita finally gets to work on the arm she's always wanted to mutilate.

Since she was a child, Melody wanted to be a Star News Anchor. But she found herself too self-esteem challenged and shy for that sort of thing, and has today accepted a new goal in her life: loving the outdoors, and the upkeep of Randy's garden. The eggplants and steak plants are dead. The limes are excellent instead of perfect. Melody will make the garden perfect again.

So, a weird green flower sort of tattoo.

"That... kind of hurt, Rita."

Etc.: Melody joined the Archer family with the lifetime wish of being at the top of the journalism career. Since I rolled busker, I had two options. (1) change Melody's lifetime wish, and (2) allow Melody to die with her hopes and dreams crushed and unrealized. I finally saved up enough points to change her lifetime wish.

Paprika fulfilled the requirements for perfect toddler. The toddler stage is the most challenging, in my opinion, so it's a relief to have that over with. Child stage is pretty easy. Paprika's traits are excitable, eccentric, and now brave. Screw random traits until next time. I just really wasn't happy with the traits it gave her.

I do hope I get the random traits roll sometime in the future.


  1. I lol'ed at Melody's nightmare. I actually have had nightmares like that, where I'm working in an office and wearing pantyhose. I'm always really conscious of the pantyhose in those dreams.
    Anyway, awesome update! I agree, the toddler stage is the worst for perfect children. So much crap to stuff into 7 days. Usually the children of my heir who was raised as perfect child does the exact opposite. We get in the potty training & walking & talking, but the toddler then is free roaming, lol.
    I has a secret crush on Pavel. *swoons for bass cop*

  2. *comforts* Bad nightmares, bad. =(

    Arthur is actually my pick for best looking, haha. He has such an innocent face. It's odd.

    I don't spend much time with toddlers after the walking, talking and potty training, either. I get a kick out of watching them play with their non-educational toys. However, sometimes they go for the xylophone or peg box on their own, or their parents decide to read to them without me instructing them to do so. Sacha was a genius and Jazz was a bookworm, so they were both really bad about that.
