Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chapter 35: Hair Don'ts

Melody doesn't feel she can handle a real job. A real job involves putting in long hours and putting up with office politics. Melody isn't ready for workplace drama, claiming the excuse of emotional instability due to her rough childhood. She is over-emotional, and co-workers do require a thick skin... but she still needs to make money somehow.

Jazz tries explaining the awesomeness of collecting to his son's girlfriend, but Melody just can't work up the interest to identify diamond from quartz.

Halen's loser husband dies. As Halen's oldest living family member, Sacha tries to be of some comfort, and lies through her pointed teeth about how Halen was a good wife to the man and he'd want her to move on and be happy.

Josephine, Halen's daughter, is already a roadie and will soon be a stage hand. Halen may not have long to live herself, but the future of the drum set next door is secure for now.

Martin, now stylist level 8, encourages Melody's new hobbies. She can't carry a tune in a bag yet, but maybe with persistence and practice...

Sacha flops down on Halen's childhood bed to read. She spent so much time here when she was growing up, it's a place of comfort.

Melody convinces Martin to re-style his hair. This puffier look is the first of many he will try out.

Snake-charming may help rake in the money. Martin wants a huge party wedding and those cost...

Shelly Caspian isn't sure she wants her children growing up in a town where people charm snakes.

The snake is shy today.

Martin buys a drafting table so he can work on new fashion concepts. Will he be the stylist of the future?

He doesn't need a drafting table to know this hobbling old woman shouldn't be in high heels.

Melody gets another tattoo to commemorate her snake charming failure at the town park. It's a butterfly being consumed by smog, which symbolizes Melody's low self esteem getting her down.

Some follow-up charming at the salon.

Martin is concerned about the tattoos.

Dancin' with dad. Old hairstyle.

The new hairstyle is just... no.



Yes? No?


Pavel's room has been redecorated to suit the needs of a couple, but Jazz and Sacha insisted Melody sleep in the spare bedroom (Arthur's old one) until she's married. Martin finally allows for a private wedding ceremony, due to Melody's gnawing fears of her mother Lori crashing the party.

Etc.: The hat, or the pixie haircut for men? The pixie haircut looks kind of bad with his hair color, unfortunately. Currently I'm using that but I may switch back to hat. Or to something entirely different.

1 comment:

  1. I love Melody's stories for each tattoo.
    Poor Martin, I don't know if there is a hairstyle that will suit both his hair and his ears, lol.

    Also, comment on previous chapter, Irish Pavel is awesome.
